
Dr. Brenda Myree • Holy Spirit
Have you ever wondered why more Christians are not functioning in signs, wonders and miracles? I have been asked this on many occasions. After all, didn't Jesus say that these signs and even greater signs we shall do because He went unto the Father? Well, are we cooperating with the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to work through us? Are our motives pure or are we seeking vain glory? Where is our faith? I pray this article will be a blessing to you and answer some of your questions. God bless.
Brenda Myree • Jesus Christ
On New Year's Eve, I had listened to some "nice" sermons concerning the "I Am's" of Jesus. During prayer and meditation at the beginning of 2010, it was impressed upon me to begin a series on the "I Am's" of Jesus but that God would reveal a deeper revelation than that of former teachings. As I began to study, I came across an "I Am" that I never heard taught before. This is the first "I Am" in the Gospel of John. Jesus says, "I Am the One (who speaks)...
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